literary attainments中文什么意思

发音:   用"literary attainments"造句
  • literary:    adj. 1.文学的,文学上的。 2 ...
  • attainment:    n. 1.达到,到达。 2.〔pl. ...
  • attainments:    成就, 造诣
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  1. Mother has smiled , traces my head to say : " to , the child , ' the literary attainment and moral cultivation ' , does not have the spring the sowing seeds , the summer sweat , autumn also without knowing where to begin discusses the harvest !
    妈妈笑了,摸着我的头说: “对呀,孩子, ‘春华秋实’ ,没有春天的播种,夏天的汗水,秋天也无从谈收获啊! ”
  2. Other notable temples include the che kung temple in sha tin in the new territories , which is dedicated to a sung dynasty general ; man mo temple for the gods of literary attainment and martial valour on hollywood road on hong kong island ; and po lin monastery on lantau island , home to the world s largest outdoor bronze statue of buddha , the tian tan buddha
    其他著名庙宇包括:位于新界沙田的车公庙,该庙供奉宋朝一位将军;位于港岛荷李活道的文武庙,该庙供奉文武二帝(即文昌帝和关圣帝君) ;还有位于大屿山的宝莲寺,该寺的天坛大佛是全球最大的室外青铜佛像。
  3. Under the chinese teaching current situation of secondary school eager for quick success , the paper aims to advocate strengthening literature education in chinese teaching of secondary school to enrich the student ' s vocabulary , improve the student ' s literary attainments , construct humane spirit again , promote the cultural grade , thus improve the student ' s chinese ability finally


  1. literary and artistic creation 什么意思
  2. literary and artistic works 什么意思
  3. literary and linguistic index 什么意思
  4. literary anecdotes 什么意思
  5. literary artistic imagination 什么意思
  6. literary awards 什么意思
  7. literary books 什么意思
  8. literary classics 什么意思
  9. literary composition in rhyme; verse 什么意思
  10. literary contest 什么意思



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